Clearly, there are no simple panaceas for the problems that we face. The Director-General himself in his programme priorities has spelled out a list of measures that need to be taken. The approaches to these remedial actions are trilateral approaches and integrally involved in the concept of the food security compact which the Director-General himself has elaborated. Quite clearly recognized by all the regional economic meetings is the inescapable reality that the major burden for self-reliance lies on the developing countries themselves, but in the face of the difficulties before developing countries, despite their best efforts, the need for international support and the consolidation of that support continues. The review document has indicated the approaches and outlines, and we believe that it has provided us with food for continuing thought in the months and years to come.
M. YOSHII (Japan): Mr Chairman, first of all, I would like to express my congratulations to you on your re-election as the Independent Chairman, as well as the three Vice-Chairmen of this important Council. Continue Reading I have given the example of our country to demonstrate the extreme complexities involved