How Much Personal Data Can Dating Apps Access From Your Smartphone?

How Much Personal Data Can Dating Apps Access From Your Smartphone?

Sure dating apps are fun. (Who doesn’t like swiping left?) But didn’t we learn any lessons from the saga of FaceApp and its Russian scheme to mine our personal data and gain access to our phones, all just for a good laugh posting an old-age selfie of ourselves?

Guess again, Romeo. According to research done by the site Datingroo, we are all willing participants in giving away as much user data and security information as we possibly can while pursuing amorous relations and late-night hookups via dating apps.

Pop quiz: When was the last time you sat down and read the terms and conditions on Tinder? I would say, pretty darn close to never. Right? So what do we need to fear when using dating apps on our smartphones?

“Most users are not aware that with installing a dating app, they are permitting access to their data like photos, camera, microphone, location, identity, phone contacts, network connection and more,” Suzana Jaramaz, PR and content marketing manager for Datingroo, told Observer. Continue reading “How Much Personal Data Can Dating Apps Access From Your Smartphone?”