Energy drinks have more serious side effects left under-researched, finds report

The street-wise packaging, the fact that energy drinks are easy to obtain and provide a legal high, appeals to this age group in particular. Not many teenagers will give a second thought to drinking a few cans of energy drink to relieve tiredness or gain an energy high. Teenagers are particularly vulnerable as they are less likely to consider the active ingredients as dangerous or to be well educated around the dangers and possible side effects. They may consume energy drinks as an alternative to alcohol or drugs, thinking they are choosing a safer and more socially acceptable option. Regular consumption of energy drinks leads to caffeine withdrawal symptoms and increases the risk of future substance abuse.

  • Further research is needed into these stimulants, the report stated.
  • Some research also suggests that caffeine acts independently to relieve pain.
  • Don’t be tempted to reach for the energy drinks or the diet sodas.
  • It would mean that one 250ml Red Bull energy drink containing 27g of sugar (five-and-a-half teaspoons), now costs an extra 6p.

Likewise, 78 per cent of products exceeded the maximum daily recommendation for sugar intake for a child aged seven to ten 10 years – 24 g or six teaspoons. By Christmas 2017, Mr Pyner’s addiction started to take control and starting having another two cans in-between college classes taking his total to six-a-day. Several weeks into the new term in October 2017, Vinnie started buying multipacks, which increased his intake and dependence. Young people are attracted to such drinks due to their promises of enhanced energy, as well as their low cost and ready availability, a study reveals.

It stimulates the secretion of acid, which can irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. “Last week, I drank my first energy drink in a couple of weeks, however it made me feel really sick. We asked three mums to record what happened when their children consumed just one energy drink at home under their watchful eye. Caffeine and sugar are both in themselves stimulants though only sugar is an essential nutrient for human survival – unless youֲe Tweek from South Park. The two combined can however form a deadly cocktail when blended together in high doses.

There are no documented side effects of taurine yet, although some countries have banned energy drinks with a high taurine content. Some researchers believe that levels of taurine are too low to cause any side effects. There is currently little legislation restricting the sale of these products to young people, and understanding about their effects is minimal.

What is caffeine addiction?

Such are the dangers of energy drinks that fatalities pop up the world over. In 2007 a 28-year-old Australian suffered cardiac arrest after gulping eight cans Рthatֳ 640mg of caffeine, over three times an adultֳ RDA. This is just one of the many hundreds of similar reports that clutter the internet.

monster energy addiction

When I’m at college after I’ve had a Monster Energy I can’t concentrate. Often, I’d pick up six 500ml bottles on the way to work, then six more at lunchtime and six more on the way home. Then I’d work my way through six one-litre bottles in the evening — totalling 15 litres in 24 hours. Kayleigh eco sober house rating became hooked on Lucozade when her first marriage was ending in her late twenties. Lee, who had a stent fitted and will be on medication for the rest of his life, was then horrified when his 11-year-old daughter Summer bought a can of Monster on the way home from school last year.


But that spiralled into addiction and led to the scaffolder taking his own life, his dad believes. Battling depression, the 25-year-old relied on the caffeine hit they gave him to get through the day. “It sounds like an addictive personality but it doesn’t mean she has no hope at all. There are still decisions to make and she can still control it. She would not like to see young people getting to the stage she has reached. “I used to have three cans, then six cans, then more and more. I remember getting to 20 cans a day. And now, if I don’t have them, I end up with migraines. May even be required to help break the habit and deal with the underlying psychological issues.

The former gambling addict has been warned about the health dangers of consuming so much sugar and caffeine. Emma says she feels addicted to them and feels she needs the drinks to function on a day-to-day basis. “I have never got a can out of my hand. I am sitting right now with two cans – one fizzy and one energy drink. Active ingredients include caffeine, guarana, sugars, taurine, ginseng, B vitamins, L-Carnitine, antioxidants, glucuronolactone, Yerba Mate, artificial sweeteners and more. Consider adjusting your coffee drinking patterns when quitting smoking. First, drink half the amount of coffee you used to, as that likely will be all you need to have the same stimulus effect.

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The energy drink has seen a huge surge in popularity due to ease of use, taste and of course, the seemingly instant buzz. Itֳ a bit like your mum sticking broccoli in your curry Рmasking something perceived as bad tasting in something that is easy to swallow. And so, energy drinks apply the same social science to caffeine, rebranding the ancient buzz in a fluorescent LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME can.

The magical elixir has been known as a thermogenic , lowers risks of cancer, lowers the risk of diabetes and if all that wasnִ enough, it makes your breath smell better! With a small amount of caffeine and high water content, Green Tea is often touted as a great refreshing energy drink that has zero calories, zero additives and zero rubbish. Just donִ drink it on an empty stomach – you will thank us later. Originating in Japan in the 60ֳ, the high pressure world of energy drinks was designed to cater for an emerging business market of open-all-hours white collar workers and the pressures of the growing digital age. There are many arguments for and against the use of caffeine in the modern day diet and naturally, those late night essays could not be completed without some form of caffeinated beverage. Yet, hereֳ a shocker – the average energy drink in the UK actually contains less caffeine than a coffee.

The human body, if not looked after properly, is simply not made to meet with these demands. In every age range today, there are pressures to perform and produce. Whilst some use energy drinks to enhance their physical performance and concentration in sports and fitness, others simply use it to stay awake and cram more hours into their day. Caffeine affects the body by inhibiting a chemical known as adenosine, the molecule that causes us to feel tired, from entering the brain. Simply, when the chemical is blocked, the body no longer feels the same level of exhaustion than before.

Similarly, pub landlord Lee Kamen suffered a heart attack in 2017 at the age of 49, which he puts down to drinking four cans a day of the energy drink Monster. A woman who drinks 30 cans a day says her addiction to energy drinks is worse than gambling. You can gradually wean yourself off energy drinks by reducing your regular dose and switching to healthy, natural alternatives . Psychological addiction is harder and requires help from a psychotherapist. Group therapy and hypnotherapy are two options that could be applied during treatment.

monster energy addiction

I want to tell you about the badness of fizzy and energy drinks. “One other element is the impact on dental health. There is nothing in human diet that has as much impact as sugar on your teeth. Someone who drinks this amount of fizzy drinks is bound to have tooth decay. Whilst the odd can of energy drink here and there is unlikely to cause any harm, drinking more or mixing with other stimulants or alcohol can be very dangerous. Energy drinks are mostly marketed towards young adults, sportspeople and individuals who need caffeine ‘on the go’. The official target demographic is young men aged 18 to 29 but extends to 35 years in reality. It would mean that one 250ml Red Bull energy drink containing 27g of sugar (five-and-a-half teaspoons), now costs an extra 6p.

And so, the amount one needs to feel buzzed increases and one can of Red Bull turns into six. Up to 400mg of caffeine is the Government RDA just and a single shot of espresso contains around 40mg – but that doesn’t mean you can have 10 and get away scot-free. Per 240g serving, Red Bull and Full Throttle have 72mg, Monster has 86mg and AMP has 75mg.

Can caffeine be dangerous?

And equally why when you stop smoking and consume the same amount of caffeine, you feel much more jittery. It is thought that this is because excessive caffeine consumption dramatically increases the amount of calcium released within the heart’s cells, disrupting the electrical rhythm. A 250ml serving of a typical energy drink – half the standard bottle or can size – contains 80mg of caffeine per litre – twice as much as a regular cola drink, but the same as a 60ml espresso. It also contains 160mg of caffeine, and the packaging usually contains a warning label advising consumers against drinking more than 1.36 litres per day.

  • There is currently little legislation restricting the sale of these products to young people, and understanding about their effects is minimal.
  • Several weeks into the new term in October 2017, Vinnie started buying multipacks, which increased his intake and dependence.
  • A study commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care suggests frequent consumption — classed as five or more times a week — could be linked to poorer mental and physical health and worse academic performance.
  • The average 500ml can contains around 160mg of caffeine – the equivalent of three cups of black coffee and four standard cans of cola.

Manufacturers no longer just focus on sports to sell their drinks but have also infiltrated gaming culture, extreme sports, and the music industry; Redbull even has its own music academy. They have become so embedded in pop culture, particularly youth pop culture, that young people in the UK now drink more energy drinks than the rest of Europe. Crazy to think but alas, it is true – the human body is over 60% water. Most of the time when one feels sluggish and tired one is merely struggling from the effects of too little water. Load up on sugar and caffeine when the simplest, cheapest and most calorie free alternative is the clear stuff we bath in. Getting enough H2O couldn’t be easier as stocks a whole host of water carrying aids such as the Ultimate Performance Windemere range of hydration bags.

However, some large retailers including supermarkets, have taken independent decisions to place limitations on purchasing the beverages. Former MP Norman Lamb, now chairman of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition, has called for more research to be done into the impact these drinks can have on youngsters. I usually have the Monster Energy at lunchtime, about 12 o’clock.

A DIABETIC who was addicted to energy drinks has lost 8st after doctors warned her habit was BLINDING her. “Check the labels of energy drinks as they often say the drink is not suitable for children or pregnant women.” Many depend on caffeine for a much-needed energy boost, and feel like they have to have their daily coffee or energy drink. Caffeine is part of the daily routine for many, whether it’s the morning coffee, the mid-day tea or an energy drink before a night shift. The snag here is that much of the early research linking caffeine to various conditions was clouded by a number of issues.

However, consuming more than recommended can increase the risk of heart complications, especially in those who already suffer from one or more heart problems. Caffeine is the most common ingredient across all energy drinks. Everybody has a different tolerance level to caffeine, but most people should avoid having more than 400mg of caffeine in 24 hours. When drinking more than 400mg, restlessness, increased heart rate and insomnia are the most common symptoms.

However, it is not clear what effect this might have on energy drink consumption, although, it is reported that young people do already find energy drinks expensive . The reason that young people choose energy drinks is hard to pinpoint. Taste and the need for an ‘energy boost’ may also be a reason to consume energy drinks. Parental consumption seems to also be a driver for adolescent use. The consumption of energy drinks in young people is also linked with the consumption of alcoholdue to their use as mixers for spirits. One study found young people used the energy drinks as a ‘pick me up’ and it made parties more ‘fun’ .

They may also often contain extracts from the guarana plant, which is similar to caffeine, the amino acid taurine and carbohydrate in form of sugar. “However, I don’t think we have clear conclusions about their impacts, but I do have concerns about eco sober house complaints them particularly among children in disadvantaged groups. There is evidence these children are more reliant on this.” It comes as a study from the British Medical Journal showed that up to a third of children have at least one can per week.

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